All Custom Sets completed!

All Custom Sets completed!

December 26, 2023, 03:42 pm

Hello dear community,

We are thrilled to announce that we have successfully completed all 22 Custom Sets! These sets are the result of intense work and attention to detail, and we are excited to immerse you in the fascinating world of the new gameplay direction on Hateforge.

To get an overview of the sets, their stats, and appearance, please visit our forum, where we have provided a detailed list for you. Here is the link: Klick me!


The Concept of Custom Sets:

Welcome to a new gameplay direction tailored to the needs of the current generation of players! After reaching the end stage in Azeroth, many face the challenge of either signing up for raids or spending endless hours in the PvP area. As experienced players with professional commitments, we understand that it is time to find a new solution.

Another concern is the economy. In many WoW servers, it fluctuates between deflation and inflation. This is often due to the server population, which influences the trade of materials such as flasks and potions. An unstable economic cycle is created, and it needs to be prevented.

Our concept aims to address these challenges and create a gaming environment that meets the needs of players with commitments while promoting a stable economy. We are confident that these ideas will provide an optimal gaming experience in Azeroth and keep new players in the game for hundreds, if not thousands, of hours.

Currently, we are working on how we want to offer the sets in the game.

Thank you for your support, and enjoy exploring the new sets!

The Hateforge Team

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